Ear Candling is said to date back as far as 2500BC and can benefit almost anyone. Ear Candles were used traditionally to cleanse and harmonise the different energy fields (aura) of the individual, in preparation for the state of trance and to drive out negative energies. This may seem a strange concept to the modern …

Why ‘Avalon InLaKesh’?!

Avalon. Who is the Mystic Behind the Mist. Crafting. Alchemy. Goddess. A little bit Mystery. Lots of Magick. Womanhood. Everyone Can Sparkle. Avalon within us. For me, Avalon stands as a symbol of our inner being – going within – she is a mirror and she confronts us with who we really are. Avalon teaches …

Reiki Radiance

Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. Reiki. Reiki is a form of energy that channels Chi (Ki) or life force energy and is around & within all of us. The application of Reiki assists in bringing energetic balance back to the physical, mental, spiritual and …

Crystal Light Bed Therapy

What is the StellarWaves Crystal Bed? A Crystal Light Bed with PUREWAVE® technology has 7 hand-cut clear quartz Vogel crystals suspended approximately 30cms above the client. Each crystal has been hand cut to a specific frequency and is aligned above one of the 7 chakras, the human body’s energy centres. Coloured lights, chosen to match …