Meet Jennine

Blessings and Welcome

JennineThank you for taking the time to visit my online space. I have recently relocated back to Mount Gambier, SA to be my Mumma’s Carer. I wasn’t born in Mount Gambier but did grow up here … but left over 30 years ago so being back in the lower south east of South Australia is a personal healing journey.

The heart and emphasis of my work is in helping people create a life filled with more joy, inner peace, forgiveness, and self love. My philosophy is to awaken your senses and nurture your soul. I “intuitively” combine the best of modern and ancient spiritual aroma-spa therapies to enhance the mind, body and spirit.

My journey has taken me around Australia from country South Australia, Outback WA, city life up and down the East of Coast and many other places in-between – all contributing to my own personal development and life-experience.

✨ Master Teacher Usui Reiki
✨ Master Teacher Seichim
✨ Certified Aromatherapist
✨ Crystal Healing Practitioner
✨ StellarWaves Crystal Light Bed PureWave® Master Healer
✨ Certified BioWell Practitioner
✨ Certified Ear Candling Practitioner
✨ Certified Ionic Foot Detox Practitioner

My training has also included: Light Frequency Essences, Chakra Energy Healing, Meditation Masters, Holistic Beauty, Ritual Aromatherapy, Shamanic Healing and Spiritual Connection.

My aim is for you to feel a deep sense of serenity – mindfulness calm as we all discover our own journey to Spiritual Wellness and Blessed Harmony.

On a Journey. Transformation. More to come … I am part of the MiKA Hair and Beauty CommUnity. 30B Commercial St, Mt Gambier

MiKA Hair and Beauty. Avalon InLa'Kesh, Mount GambierBlessings and Welcome to MiKA Hair and Beauty. Monique has created an absolutely stunning luxe innovative space and has welcomed me to join, which, of course, I said yes
I will be my own entity within MiKA – I will have my own room where I will setup to see clients plus down the track I will be working with Monique to present some of my gifts and treasures in the front section of this beautiful space.
Blessed I am 🙏 I am so very grateful and super excited to get started. As soon as I get settled, I’ll announce when I will start taking appointments.. hopefully not too far away.
Monique is bringing together hairdressers, beauty therapists, make-up artists, and also me … more info to come. Thank you for your patience, support, and encouragement.
Stay tuned 😉

Bright Star-Bursting Blessings
Jennine xx 
Avalon InLa’Kesh
find me within MiKA Hair and Beauty

30B Commercial St West, Mount Gambier

Time is illusion and does not exist. Time gives legitimacy to all that we see and do. Time and space are irrelevant. Without it we are everywhere, all at once. Push past duality, for it is but an instrument. You are one or the other, and you are neither. Let go and know this, for there is much work to be done.