

The heart and emphasis of my work is in helping people create a life filled with more joy, inner peace, forgiveness, and self love. My philosophy is to awaken your senses and nurture your soul. I “intuitively” combine the best of modern and ancient spiritual aroma-spa therapies to enhance the mind, body and spirit. 


Chakra Healing with our Crystal Light Bed Therapy sessions

Jennine is an Advanced Master Stellarwave PUREWAVE® Certified Healing Practitioner

BY uniquely incorporating Light, Colour, Crystals and holding clear energetic space, your experience will be out of this world! It may be bold for me to say such a thing but these sessions are one of the most complete therapeutic experiences available. 

You lie on the therapy bed fully clothed, facing upwards, covered in a white sheet overlay. 

During this time you will be exposed to the spectral light Crystal Therapy and Chromatherapy (Colour Therapy). By having a Crystal Light Bed Therapy Session, you are in fact having a Crystal Bath! In other words, you are bathing and cleansing your Chakras in Colour and Crystal Healing Energy. Each Vogel Crystal is made up of the colour of the chakras and are set on a special vibrational frequency to clean and balance your chakras.

Sessions are for 1hr and are $120.


Reiki is a form of energy that channels Chi (Ki) or life force energy and is around & within all of us. The application of Reiki assists in bringing energetic balance back to the physical, mental, spiritual and emotional levels allowing self healing to occur.

A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, pure love, security and wellbeing. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.

Sessions are for 1hr and are $120.


Seichim (pronounced Say keen or Say sheen) is an ancient healing system from Egypt. Seichim like Reiki is universal life force energy.

However, Seichim is also known as the Living Light Energy, or Rainbow energy. Sechim energy connects with the Universal rhythms of life. Seichim can assist in balancing emotions, create calmness and allow the body to relax. Additionally, like Reiki, Seichim light energy will connect with you no matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs!

Sessions are for 1hr and are $120.


Ear Candling dates back as far as 2500BC and can benefit almost anyone. Ear Candles were used traditionally to cleanse and harmonise the different energy fields (aura) of the individual, in preparation for the state of trance and to drive out negative energies. This may seem a strange concept to the modern observer but the use of ear candles evolved in an age where therapy and spiritual life formed a natural unit. Ear Candling creates a vacuum of warm air laced with healing herbs which encourages the drawing of excess Ear Wax out of the ear and into the Ear Candle. Wax toxins are drawn not only from the ear, but from the sinus, lymph glands and dental area. Ear candling is a gentle, non invasive practice and actually quite relaxing!

Allow approx 30-45mins $70


Did you know that we have over 2000 large pores on the souls of our feet? Did you know that heavy metals and toxins are stored as far away from your brain and heart as possible to prevent damage to these vital organs? So where do you think a lot of our toxins are stored in our body? That’s right our feet!

During our Ionic Foot Detox Spa treatment, the feet are placed into a foot basin filled with warm water and Himalayan Crystal Salt. An ‘array’ connected to a power unit is also placed into the water to emit a low-voltage resonant electrical current (consisting of an alternating positive and negative charge). This current electronically charges the water, resulting in the saline water becoming separated into both positive and negative ions, to create a process known as ‘ionisation’. The ionic foot detox machine is used to cleanse and detoxify the body by using these ions. Ions are atoms that have an electrical charge. The machine creates a flow of negative and positive ions through the body, which helps to remove toxins and impurities from the cells. This process can help to improve overall health and well-being.

Every day, our body is exposed to harmful toxins through pollution, household items, food, water, and more, which can affect how we feel and how our body functions. A simple way to help remove some of these toxins is through natural foot detoxing.



Ionic Foot detoxes can help to remove toxins, heavy metals, and other impurities through your feet in order to strengthen your immune system, so your body can better absorb healthy nutrients. With a stronger immune system you will also be able to fight off certain illnesses more quickly. 


Not only does an ionic foot detox treatment help to cleanse and disinfect the feet, but it also stimulates blood circulation to reduce swelling and relieve minor aches and pains. Increased blood circulation supports the health and wellness of your entire body and can prevent various health problems made worse by poor circulation. When blood is circulating properly, more oxygen and nutrients are sent to your body’s cells—this helps minimise the risk of future swelling of the feet. Because, let’s be honest, walking on swollen feet is no fun!


There’s nothing like a good, warm foot soak to help you relax and unwind after a long day or week. By eliminating harmful toxins from your body, you will feel instantly calmer. This form of stress relief can help you sleep better and will loosen tense muscles throughout your entire body—this puts your mind more at ease too! Taking steps to reduce your stress levels is an incredibly important aspect of self-care, and an ionic foot detox treatment is a perfect place to start to take care of your body and your mind. 


When your body feels good, your mood usually follows. Ionic Foot Detox treatments provide a variety of benefits that can leave your feet feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. You’ll feel great that you just invested time in making yourself feel well and doing something kind for your body. 

Please Note: for most people Ionic Foot Detox is a wonderful treatment with many wellness benefits but people who are pregnant, have pacemakers or electrical implants, have open foot sores, or any other serious health conditions, chat with me first before making your appointment as its likely that Ionic Foot Detox may not be for you.  

Allow approx 45mins $70.

IICT Membership Avalon InLaKesh
Reiki Heaing Association Gold Membership



