Crystal Light Bed Therapy

What is the StellarWaves Crystal Bed?

A Crystal Light Bed with PUREWAVE® technology has 7 hand-cut clear quartz Vogel crystals suspended approximately 30cms above the client. Each crystal has been hand cut to a specific frequency and is aligned above one of the 7 chakras, the human body’s energy centres.

Enjoy a Crystal Light Bed Therapy Session at Avalon InLaKesh

Coloured lights, chosen to match the frequency of the chakra colours, radiate PureWave® LED light and energy through the crystals to all 7 chakras. LED technology shines powerful light on the client’s body to encourage energy balance, cleansing, and alignment. The client lies on the crystal bed face up with eyes closed and bathes in that energy.

The StellarWaves Crystal Light Bed is a vibrational healing tool that helps balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual areas of the body. While crystal healing in it’s own right is a beautiful treatment the StellarWaves chakra light crystal bed uses clear quartz “Vogel” crystals, chakra light and colour frequencies to promote wellness on many levels.

Jennine and Avalon InLa’Kesh right here in Mount Gambier is a Stellarwave PUREWAVE® Certified Master Healer

BY uniquely incorporating Light, Colour, Crystals and holding clear energetic space, your experience will be out of this world! It may be bold for me to say such a thing but these sessions are one of the most complete therapeutic experiences available.

You lie on the therapy bed fully clothed, facing upwards, covered in a white sheet overlay.

During this time you will be exposed to the spectral light Crystal Therapy and Chromatherapy (Colour Therapy). By having a Crystal Light Bed Therapy Session, you are in fact having a Crystal Bath! In other words, you are bathing and cleansing your Chakras in Colour and Crystal Healing Energy. Each Vogel Crystal is made up of the colour of the chakras and are set on a special vibrational frequency to clean and balance your chakras.

What are the benefits?

Many clients who have used it feel “Light, Spacey and Extremely Relaxed” others fill as though they have been ‘fully charged’ after a session. Many say they feel the sensation of being worked on by guides. Some float back into past lives and others astral travel.

Sometimes clients become very emotional when negative energy is released and cords are cut, but this is almost always experienced as a great relief. I suggest our clients to keep a journal and write down any noticeable changes between sessions. That way you can be aware of your positive progress.

Due to the benefical stimulation of the immune system, Crystal Light Therapy may also improve and alleviate a range of physical and psychological conditions and is also recommended and used within the Beauty Industry for Anti-Ageing and longevity.

Client personal experiences include:

  • feeling more energy and vitality
  • feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and peaceful
  • eased stress levels, migraines and tension in the body
  • a deeper spiritual understanding of self
  • feelings of physical healing taking place

The effect is a feeling of deep peace and calm which allows the energy body to align and balance itself. A wonderful treatment for de-stressing and calming, the sessions can also be used to bring about a deep meditative state.

What do I do after a Crystal Bed Healing?

No matter the experience, it is advisable to rest after a “Crystal Bed Healing” session to fully absorb the experience. It is also advisable to drink plenty of water over the next several hours to help rid the body of any toxins which tend to be released through the cleansing action the Healing process. It can also be helpful to write down the experiences and guidance which can occur during the healing session, to help integrate and ground the experience into your life.

Crystal Bed Chakra Healing

Along with the Spiritually Higher-Consciousness Crystal Healing process our Crystal Light Bed sessions also provide a unique Spiritual Re-Boot…

According to Hindu and Buddhist belief, chakras are vast (yet confined) pools of energy in our bodies which govern our psychological qualities. There are said to be hundreds if not thousands of energy points or chakras within our bodies but the main seven are what we are referring to here; four in our upper body, which govern our mental properties, and three in the lower body, which govern our instinctual properties.

They are: The Muladhara (root) chakra; the Svadhisthana (sacral) chakra; the Manipura (solar plexus) chakra; the Anahata (heart) chakra; the Visuddhi (throat) chakra; the Ajna (third eye) chakra; and the Sahasrara (crown) chakra.
According to Buddhist and Hindu teachings, all 7 chakras should contribute to a human’s well-being. Our instincts should join forces with our feelings and thinking. Some of our chakras are usually not open all the way (meaning, they operate just like when you were born), but some are over-active, or even near closed. If all 7 chakras are not balanced, peace with the self cannot be achieved.

Our Crystal Light Bed Therapy Sessions are Blissfully-Balancing or if it were a Spiritual Chakra-Reboot!! Spiritual Light Healing. Crystal Healing. Beautiful Peoples pop in for a chat and ask to see the Crystal Light Bed in action and/or book a session for yourself.

Follow link to learn more about the Vogel Crystals used in our Crystal Light Bed Therapy Sessions.

Crystal Blessings
Jennine xx

Avalon InLa’Kesh

Luxe Spiritual Spa, Healing Room

Stellarwave PUREWAVE® Certified